‘As the threat of exceeding the 1.5-degrees-Celsius target is plaguing our world, adaptation to the negative effects of climate change has climbed to the top of the climate agenda for both developed and developing countries. Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel …
Mehmet Emin BİRPINAR Articles.
As scientists have warned humanity for years, we are witnessing an increase in the frequency of extreme climate events and natural disasters caused by climate change. Moreover, the harm left behind by these disasters is increasing exponentially day by day, …
Sıcak bir yaz günü marketten aldığınız pet şişe içerisindeki soğuk suyu içerken iş yerinde düzenlenen neşeli bir doğum günü kutlamasında kesilen pastayı plastik tabak ve çatal ile yerken veya kirli kıyafetlerinizi yıkamak için market raflarındaki deterjan kutularına elimiz uzanırken aslında …
‘We have a big goal. We have a dream of a carbon-free Türkiye by 2053. We continue to work toward this achievement.’ Humanity has always sought to make life easier throughout history. Since industrialization, though human-led productions have made life …
The Mediterranean ecosystem is fragile and human-induced pressures are felt intensely in the region. Around 70% of the population in the Mediterranean lives mostly in coastal cities and it is a popular tourist destination worldwide. However, the Mediterranean has recently …
Climate change is the biggest threat to the future of our planet, and humankind is exacerbating the conditions more and more. Other disruptions that have recently emerged are quite damaging to the struggle for the existence of human beings as …
The recent developments in renewable energy are quite promising and solar energy seems to be the most effective one. Extreme heat waves, changes in the rain patterns, forest fires, and more intense storms caused by climate change increase its effects …
Yıllardır bizleri uyaran bilim insanlarının bahsettiği üzere iklim değişikliği kaynaklı aşırı iklim olayları ile doğal afetlerin sıklıklarının arttığına tanık olmaktayız. Üstelik bu afetlerin geride bıraktığı zarar da her geçen gün katlanarak artmakta, toplumlar ve ekonomiler üzerinde telafisi çok güç hasarlar …
Air pollution, also known as the silent killer, causes 7 million people to die prematurely every year. The air we breathe is one of the main factors affecting our quality of life. An adult inhales an average of about 11,000 …
The global energy system is collapsing due to the use of fossil fuels. In order to prevent climate disasters, a global energy transition should be accelerated immediately. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his statement on the World Meteorological Organization’s State …