Akademik Yayınlar
A new probabilistic analysis of air quality with risk graphs: an application in Istanbul(2024)
In this study, spatio-temporal identification has been analyzed using new probabilistic risk graphs for air quality assessments in Istanbul, Türkiye, for the first time. Detailed assessments can be conducted through the proposed method, which is based on probabilistic models. These models contribute to the objective explanation of variations in air quality. Air quality and its fluctuations have been elucidated using risk graphs across various districts in Istanbul.
According to the model results, the air quality at Mecidiyeköy and Göztepe is worse than in the other districts. Conversely, Şile and Sultanbeyli on the Asian side, as well as Sarıyer and Maslak on the European side, exhibit the best air quality in terms of particulate matter (PM10) and NO2 model results. The proposed methodology provides air quality levels at different risk levels, enabling the tracking of temporal variations in air pollution risks.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Prediction of non-revenue water ratio in water distribution systems(2024)
In the evaluations of water distribution systems (WDSs) in terms of water loss and perfor-mance, the Non-Revenue Water ratio (NRW) stands out as one of the most important pa-rameters. Within the scope of this study, in order to predict the NRW ratio, a large number of models at different variable combinations were generated using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods. The performance of the models formed has been evaluated by taking R2, RMSE, MAE, SI, and Bias criteria as references.
According to the study results, the model performances increase with the number of inputs in general, and the ANN models are more successful than ANFIS. Considering the modeling, the best-performing combination through the ANN method is WSQ-NJ-NL-NF, this one is the WSQ-NJ-NL-MPD combination in the ANFIS method which has three vari-ables common. As a result, using variables common is significant for NRW predictions. On the other hand, NRW prediction performances need to improve by taking different variable combinations and methodological approaches into account, according to the ANFIS model results.
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Critical Drought Characteristics: A New Concept Based on Dynamic Time Period Scenarios (2024)
In research on monitoring drought events, analysis is often carried out using a single period as a reference. On the other hand, changing this default period in drought calculations causes the drought index values obtained from research to differ. As a gap in the literature, this point highlights the necessity of investigating the effect of various time periods on drought characteristics. It underscores the need to propose a new concept and methodology to address this gap effectively.
This research aims to analyze critical drought characteristics through dynamic time period scenarios. For the first time in the literature, drought indices and potential and critical characteristics were analyzed for various (dynamic) time periods. Drought analysis was carried out for 13 time period scenarios with 10-year intervals from a meteorological station in Durham (1872–2021) by changing the initial time condition using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).
The results showed that in addition to the similarities, there are significant differences between drought characteristics. For example, in some time period scenarios, a drought event was recorded during a specific period, while in other scenarios (S5–S7, S10–S13), no drought was detected during the same period, like in SPI 1. Additionally, for SPI 12, the drought duration varied significantly, lasting between 20 and 29 months, and for SPI 6, the drought duration varied between 3 and 13 months. Regarding the intensity, SPI 1 ranged between −0.89 and −1.33, indicating a 33% difference, and the SPI 3 intensity ranged between −1.08 and −1.91, indicating a 50% increase in intensity. This research significantly contributes to the field by providing a novel approach using dynamic time period scenarios to determine critical drought characteristics, offering valuable insights for water resource management, drought mitigation planning, and design purposes.
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Improving the Environmental Auditing System in Türkiye: Lessons-Learnt From Mucilage Event in the Sea of Marmara (2023)
Facing and experiencing the recent mucilage event in the Sea of Marmara-Türkiye in 2021 urged the local and state officers together with the related authorities to strengthen and improve the existing environmental auditing system.
It is well-known that high pollution loads discharged to the receiving sea environment through land-based sources of point and diffuse loads accelerated the formation of mucilage in line with the warming of the sea surface as a consequence of climate change. In this regard changes, revisions, and particularly sector-specific activities were funded through a project established by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change (MoEU) and carried out by a group of academics and MoEU technical specialists.
As such, the auding system has been thoroughly improved to prevent further deterioration of the Sea of Marmara surrounded by 7 metropolitan provinces of the country. This study is on the lessons-learnt during the renewal attempts of the auditing system with the aim of benefiting from the recent applications of the other developing and/or regional countries suffering from coastal pollution.
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Classic trend analysis methods’ paradoxical results and innovative trend analysis methodology with percentile ranges (2023)
In this study, spatial–temporal monotonic and non-monotonic trends in Assam, India, have been analyzed for annual precipitation data through the classical and innovative trend analysis (ITA) methodology. The results of the ITA method have been presented with percentile (quartile) intervals. Thus, within the scope of this study, piecewise trends (low; 25% < , medium; 25–75%, and high; 75% > categories) have been objectively analyzed and identified. The annual precipitation data that was measured in twenty stations in the Assam region from 1901 to 2002 is used for the analysis.
According to the classical Modified Mann–Kendall (MMK) method results, only in one station of twenty stations, there is an increasing trend contrary to the decreasing trends in five stations; on the other hand, there is no trend in fourteen stations. As regards to the classical Sen’s slope (SS) method calculation, a method which is frequently used together with the MMK method to calculate trend slopes, there are paradoxical results between the MMK and SS method. For instance, at the Cachar station, while there is not any significant trend according to the MMK methodology, the result of the SS methodology points out the largest decreasing trend magnitude. Also, the MMK and SS results are incompatible for the Hailakandi, Karimganj, Dhemaji, Nagaon, Barpeta, Golaghat, Kokrajhar, and Lakhimpur stations. On the other hand, there is little incompatibility between the results of the ITA and SS methods. Also, comprehensive information regarding piecewise trends has been obtained through the ITA model graphs with a quartile range.
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What is the best spatial interpolation technique for evaluating droughts? (2023)
Drought is a destructive phenomenon that negatively impactsthe environment and socioeconomic aspects. Drought can be evaluated temporarily and spatially based on drought indices, such as Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). Spatial evaluation of drought hasbeen conducted in the literature using many spatial interpolation methods without mentioning the difference between these methods and their accuracy. This research paper aims to find the accuracy of using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)and Kriging methods in evaluating drought based on SPI. Monthly precipitation data from 21 stations in Istanbul were used, 16 stations were used for interpolation, and 5 stations were used for validation.
The results showed that the IDW method has more extreme drought values, which means more conservative regarding drought analysis and monitoring than the Kriging method. However, IDW and Kriging have approximatelythe same correlation coefficient (0.6) with observed values. Also, the correlation between IDW and Kriging was about 0.8.Generally, for drought analysis and monitoring, IDW is more conservative and gives more extreme drought values. Subsequently, validating and using the most suitable method and more research about using interpolation methods in drought are suggested before using any interpolation method.
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Oceans, seas and marine resources are vital to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. That makes the sustainability of ocean resources a global priority. The Blue Economy issues for sustainable development are not only global but are also central to the achievement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda and require global solutions framed in national and regional agendas for oceans and seas and the human race. This is because oceans, seas, lakes and rivers are essential to human life. They promote human well-being and livelihoods, food security, employment, industry, innovation, sustainable communities, health, tourism, disaster protection, and act as carbon sinks.
However, human activities continue to endanger the very oceans, seas, and marine resources they depend on, thereby harming mankind and the planet. Fundamental to these activities is the human exploitation of energy from non-sustainable, non-renewable and non-clean fossil sources termed the Brown Economy Model. Environmentally sustainable ocean and coastal areas are the primary goals of a sustainable Blue Economy-a move away from the Brown Economy.
It is argued that the solution to sustainability is a concurrent reversal of the Blue Economy offshore and the Green Economy onshore. Both concepts refer to the decoupling of socioeconomic progress from environmental and ecosystem damage: weaning the human race from the current fossil- energy-based economic model (the Brown Economy), the principal sources of gases responsible for ozone depletion and, consequently, global warming and climatic change.
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Net Sıfır Emisyon Hedefi Doğrultusunda Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi (2022)
İklim değişikliği krizini hem sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltımı hem de iklim değişikliğine uyum bağlamında yönetebilmek adına teknoloji temel araçların başında sıralanmaktadır. İklim değişikliği literatürü iklim değişikliğinin getirdiği ve gerektirdiği dönüşümde başta enerji sektörü dönüşümü olmak üzere teknolojik gelişmelerin önemini daha da belirginleştirmiştir.
Ülkemizin yeşil dönüşümün getirdiği süreçten mümkün olduğunca az etkilenmesi ve süreci ekonomimiz adına fırsata çevirmesi adına düşük karbonlu teknolojilere yönelik mevcut politikaların çok ötesine geçilmesi gerekmektedir. Söz konusu teknolojiler tüm alt başlıklarda ve tüm teknoloji döngüsü boyunca desteklenmeli, bunun için finansı da kapsayan etkin mekanizmalar kurulmalı ve faaliyetler somut göstergelerle takip edilmelidir.
Bu kapsamda ilk yapılması gereken 2053 net sıfır emisyon vizyonu çerçevesinde yaşanacak dönüşümü dikkate alan bir teknoloji yol haritası belirlemektedir. Diğer taraftan teknolojiye ilişkin ulusal ve uluslararası işbirliğini geliştirmek şarttır. Özel sektörün Ar-Ge çalışmalarına katılımını artırmak, bu alanlarda kamu-üniversite-özel sektör işbirliğini geliştirmek gereklidir. Son olarak gerekli teknoloji çalışmaları için uluslararası finansmanın daha güçlü bir şekilde harekete geçirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Climate Security and Migration: An Evaluation for the World and Turkiye (2022)
The negative consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly evident in environmental, economic, social, and political realms day by day, and no country in the world is exempt from these effects. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports reveal that climate change will be severe, which means that the world can expect more and more conflict.
Climate migration and national security problems will emerge due to factors such as natural disasters and resource crises. This article aims to evaluate the relationship between climate change and migration and examine the consequences that may arise in the context of climate security in the world and in Turkey.
We conclude that all countries will be affected equally severely, though in different ways, by the risks and consequences that will gradually emerge in the context of climate security in parallel with climate change, and that the number of climate migrants and refugees will increase globally in the coming period.
Further, migration to Turkey will not only be from neighboring countries but will increase from wider geography in the future due to Turkey’s geopolitical eminence.
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Trend Slope Risk Charts (TSRC) for piecewie ITA method: an application in Oxford, 1771-2020
In this study, the 250-year precipitation data, and the 200-year temperature data belonging to the Radcliffe station located in Oxford city of England have been analyzed. The piecewise trends, their magnitudes, and stabilities have been determined in the study through modified Mann–Kendall (m-MK), Sen’s slope (SS), and Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) methodologies. This study is mainly proposed to suggest a new approach for the trend slope (magnitude) based on the ITA with Trend Slope Risk Charts (TSRC).
The numerical evaluation of the trends obtained through the ITA graphs has been made for the first time via TSRC. The average trend magnitudes have been calculated for 50% risk level by forming the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) charts of the trend increase (or decrease) percentages to define the trend magnitudes over a single magnitude for the ITA methodology. The experts can find a chance with the TSRC to evaluate in detail the trend magnitudes for different numerical values.
The m-MK methodology regarding total annual precipitation data emphasizes that there is no trend in general except for the three combinations. Nonetheless, there are trend increases in nine combinations, and partial trend decreases in two charts except for the 1871–1920 and 1971–2020 periods, according to the ITA methodology.
On the other hand, the trend increases for five of the six combinations that are formed to determine the piecewise trends of the annual mean temperature data, and no trend evaluation for one of them is nearly similar for the m-MK and ITA methodologies. Finally, the differences between trend magnitudes are calculated through two different methodologies that have been discussed in detail within the scope of the study.
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Cost–benefit analysis of road-transport policy options to combat air pollution in Turkey
Road-traffic-based air pollution accounts for one-third of the air pollution problem in Turkey. In order to combat this environmental issue and illustrate the possible direction of the road transport policy, five scenarios of withdrawing older vehicles from the fleet are analyzed using cost–benefit analysis (CBA) for 2020–2030.
This article focuses on CBA’s economic dimension, while the cost of carbon and health costs are included to capture the integrated societal CBA. The economic net benefit is calculated based on tax revenues and foreign trade of major road transport factors such as fuel, vehicles, and scrap metal.
The findings indicate that all alternative scenarios compared to the business-as-usual scenario result in a higher net benefit, ranging from 69 to 274 billion PPP US $, and justify implementing road-transport policies consistent with sustainable development goals to combat air pollution and ensure human health. This paper provides extensive evidence that vehicle fleet renewal is beneficial from economic, environmental, and public health perspectives.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Trend Slope Risk Charts (TSRC) for piecewise ITA method:
an application in Oxford, 1771–2020 (2022)
In this study, the 250-year precipitation data, and the 200-year temperature data belonging to the Radcliffe station located in Oxford city of England have been analyzed. The piecewise trends, their magnitudes, and stabilities have been determined in the study through modified Mann–Kendall (m-MK), Sen’s slope (SS), and Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) methodologies. This study is mainly proposed to suggest a new approach for the trend slope (magnitude) based on the ITA with Trend Slope Risk Charts (TSRC). The numerical evaluation of the trends obtained through the ITA graphs has been made for the first time via TSRC.
The average trend magnitudes have been calculated for 50% risk level by forming the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) charts of the trend increase (or decrease) percentages to define the trend magnitudes over a single magnitude for the ITA methodology. The experts can find a chance with the TSRC to evaluate in detail the trend magnitudes for different numerical values. The m-MK methodology regarding total annual precipitation data emphasizes that there is no trend in general except for the three combinations. Nonetheless, there are trend increases in nine combinations, and partial trend decreases in two charts except for the 1871–1920 and 1971–2020 periods, according to the ITA methodology.
On the other hand, the trend increases for five of the six combinations that are formed to determine the piecewise trends of the annual mean temperature data, and no trend evaluation for one of them is nearly similar for the m-MK and ITA methodologies. Finally, the differences between trend magnitudes are calculated through two different methodologies that have been discussed in detail within the scope of the study.
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Küresel Sorun İklim Değişikliği; Gelişimi, Uluslararası Müzakereler ve Türkiye (2022)
Günümüzde yaşanan birçok afetin ve salgının temelinde çevre sorunları yatmaktadır. Son bir yılı aşkın süredir dünya gündemini meşgul eden ve esasında çevresel bozulmanın bir yansıması olan Covid-19 salgını bunun basit bir tezahürü. Dünya pürdikkat salgına kenetlenmiş ve salgınla çetin bir mücadele halindeyken bir taraftan da varlığını her zaman hissettiren küresel iklim krizi ile karşı karşıyadır. Evet, günümüzde yaşanan çevresel sorunların başında hiç kuşkusuz iklim krizi gelmektedir.
İklim değişikliği konusunda en kapsamlı ve güncel bilimsel çalışmaları bir araya getiren Hükümetlerarası İklim Değişikliği Panelinin (IPCC) Altıncı Değerlendirme Raporunun (AR6) ilki olan İklim Değişikliğinin Fiziksel Temelleri konulu Raporunda; iklim değişikliğine bağlı risklerin beklenenden daha önce ve daha tehlikeli olacağı belirtilmiştir.
Raporda, dünyamızın sanayi öncesi döneme kıyasla 1,2C daha sıcak olduğu, iklim değişikliği etkilerinin sıcaklık artışının 1,5C veya 2C olduğu durumlarda da katlanarak artacağı uyarısı yapılmıştır. Yakın geçmişte dünyamızın karşılaştığı Kaliforniya, Sibirya, Yunanistan ve Türkiye’deki yangınlar; Avrupa, Çin ve Hindistan’daki seller; Sibirya ve Kanada’daki sıcak hava dalgaları gibi yıkıcı ve sarsıcı hadiseler, bilim insanlarınca küresel sıcaklık değerinde oluşan 1,2C artışın sonuçları olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Ancak ikazlar sürerken, sıcakların artmaya devam etmesi, yıkıcı etkilerin de bir o kadar artacağı anlamına gelmektedir.
Yine, Dünya Ekonomik Forumu (WEF) tarafından 11 Ocak 2022’de yayınlanan “2022 yılı Küresel Riskler Raporu” da geleceğe dair beklenen en büyük 10 riskin ilk üç sırasını çevre ve iklim odaklı riskler oluşturmaktadır. Dolayısı ile yüzyılın sonunda küresel sıcaklık artışının +1,5C ile sınırlı tutulması için karbon nötr bir geleceğin kaçınılmaz olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma küresel iklim değişikliğinin ortaya çıkışı ve gelişimini, uluslararası mücadele süreçlerinin boyutlarını ve bu kriz karşısında Türkiye’nin konumunu ortaya koymakta, bir çözüm olarak yeşil dönüşüm modelini sunmaktadır.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Climate Security and Migration: An Evaluation for the World and Turkey (2022)
The negative consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly evident in environmental, economic, social, and political realms day by day, and no country in the world is exempt from these effects. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports reveal that climate change will be severe, which means that the world can expect more and more conflict.
Climate migration and national security problems will emerge due to factors such as natural disasters and resource crises. This article aims to evaluate the relationship between climate change and migration and examine the consequences that may arise in the context of climate security in the world and in Turkey.
We conclude that all countries will be affected equally severely, though in different ways, by the risks and consequences that will gradually emerge in the context of climate security in parallel with climate change, and that the number of climate migrants and refugees will increase globally in the coming period. Further, migration to Turkey will not only be from neighboring countries but will increase from wider geography in the future due to Turkey’s geopolitical eminence.
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The Contribution of LCA Applications to the Development of National Ecolabel Criteria for the Personal Care and Cosmetic Sector (2022)
One of the industries which cause negative environmental impacts throughout the supply chain is the personal care and cosmetic products industry. The development of national ecolabelling criteria has been considered
necessary to decrease the environmental pollution originating from the production and consumption of these products.
This research was conducted for specific types of personal care and cosmetic products (bar soap, liquid soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel, hand and body cream, shaving soap, and shaving foam) that are produced and consumed in Turkey. Consumers have begun to look for more environmentally friendly products due to the increase in plastic and chemical pollution. This creates a need for companies to promote the green nature of their products to comply with the environmental awareness of consumers and their demands.
Within this framework, the sector’s approach to environmentally friendly products and ecolabeling was evaluated by applying life cycle assessment (LCA) as the decision-making mechanism. In addition to that, internationally recognized ecolabel standards, which are mainly used by countries with high import and export capacity, were analyzed. As a result of LCA studies, national environmental label criteria have been developed for personal care and cosmetic products. The environmental and socio-economic aspects of the products are evaluated based on sustainable production and consumption principles. Apart from the environmental benefits, it is expected that the implementation of the Turkey Ecolabel System, which is on a voluntary basis, will increase the market shares of products and the competitive abilities of the companies.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Long term characterization of the vehicle stock in Turkey (2021)
Projections of vehicle profiles play an essential role in developing government policies for emissions reductions in the automotive sector. Determining the trends of key parameters related to tailpipe emissions is critical for analyzing the adverse effects of vehicle emissions on air quality. This study presents a framework that can be used to assess the impacts of the vehicle fleet characteristics on pollutant emissions.
Passenger cars and light commercial category vehicles in the Turkish vehicle fleet are analyzed in terms of size (sales and scrappage rates), age distribution, fuel type, engine displacement, and mileage. The distributions based on these parameters are forecasted for the 2020–2030 period under five alternative policy scenarios for Turkey. Should no scrappage incentives be imposed, the average vehicle age is estimated to increase significantly, and shares of hybrid and electric vehicles will be minor.
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Mortality and morbidity costs of road traffic-based air pollution in Turkey (2021)
Government policies on renewing vehicle fleet by introducing newer, cleaner vehicles and removing old, polluting vehicles have significant impacts on air pollution.
In this study, the estimated emissions of air pollutants that influence human health are reported together with health endpoints and corresponding mortality and morbidity costs under five alternative road transport policy scenarios, varying in scrapping rate and the shares of hybrid and electric vehicles.
Using COPERT software, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, and SO2 emissions are determined for five scenarios. PM2.5 is the most reduced pollutant (41%) if the government adopts the most progressive scenario, followed by PM10 (27%) and NO2 (27%). A total of a maximum of 19,396 premature deaths and 803,328 years of life lost could be saved, corresponding to 252 billion TL cost savings over the 2020–2030 period if the most drastic policy encouraging an introduction of the newer and cleaner vehicles is adopted.
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Climate change impacts on sea surface temperature (SST) trend around Turkey seashores (2021)
This paper focuses on sea surface temperature (SST) trends due to the importance of temperature difference in climate change impact research. These trends are not only essential for climate, but they are also important for marine ecosystem.
Immigration of fish population due to the temperature changes is expected to cause unexpected economical results. For this purpose, both classical Mann–Kendall, (MK) (Mann in Econom: J Econom Soc 13:245–259, 1945; Kendall in Rank Correlation Methods, Charless Griffin, London, 1975) and innovative trend analysis (ITA) (Şen in J Hydrol Eng 17(9):1042–1046, 2012) methodologies are applied for the SST data records. Monthly SST data are considered along the Black, Marmara, Aegean, and Mediterranean coastal areas in Turkey.
SST data are categorized into five clusters considering fish life as “hot,” “warm-hot,” “warm,” “cold,” and “very cold.” According to ITA, SST in all coastal areas tends to increase except for winter season during “very cold” (0–10 °C) temperatures. The temperature changes in both winter and summer seasons are expected to change the marine life, fish population, tourism habit, precipitation regime, and drought feature.
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Improvement of the Environmental Permit and License Application Process in Turkey (2021)
Improvement on the environmental permit application that has been put into force since 2014 by the By Law on Environmental Permit and License (BLEPL) in Turkey has been achieved through a project realized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to meet the developing and changing technology, and industry needs. The main outputs derived from this project will be briefly outlined and discussed in this study. Initially, the facility inventory lists were created on provincial basis across the country.
The related institutions were then contacted, and the provincial and sectoral information of the enterprises that could be within the scope of BLEPL was obtained. On the country basis, 548.323 facilities were evaluated in which 142.477 facilities were classified as permitted, out of scope, in scope and not permitted. According to the data obtained by compiling the facility inventories within the scope of BLEPL constituted only 15% of the existing facilities that were included in the scope of the permit. Annex-1 and Annex-2 of BLEPL were also revised. Moreover, each of the items in the annex lists were evaluated separately and the necessary scope/limit/threshold value/terminology revisions were made. By the amendments made in the annex lists; the number of items decreased to 245 from 272, 24 new items were added and 21 items were removed.
Within the study, sectoral guidelines were prepared for each additional item to ensure integrity in permit-license applications throughout the country, and to conduct a scoping study based on accurate, practical and specific standards. Other work packages completed can be addressed as the support, credit and incentive processes carried out by institutions and organizations to increase the efficiency of the documents organized in the implementation of the regulation, studies for searching the documents in question in public tenders, and making suggestions to improve the processes and procedures that the facilities are subject to.
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Water Management with Green Infrastructures in Ensuring Sustainability of Turkish Cities (2021)
In addition to the rapid growth and expansion of cities, the pressure created by the increasing population on natural resources is now taking place at a rate above the carrying capacity of the environment. Cities are highly dependent on ecosystem services, that is, the resources that nature provides to sustain our existence. Water has a privileged place within these sources. Water is a basic resource for life and for all human activities. It is also irreplaceable in terms of the ecosystem and the services it provides. Water is a resource where the negative effects of climate change are already beginning to be seen and could directly threaten the security of states. The vulnerability of water to changes in the climate system is paramount because climate change directly affects the water cycle. Extreme weather events due to climate change can cause sudden, unexpected events unlike conventional climate regimes. This also changes the rainfall regime. This situation causes urban floods in cities where rainfall becomes more frequent, resulting in loss of property and lives. In urban areas where the rainfall regime is decreasing, conversely, it causes water scarcity.
In the cities, especially the large number of impermeable surfaces affects the natural flow system of water. Changes in the water cycle prevent the feeding of underground and above-ground water sources. Rainwater, which cannot pass underground at the appropriate time, is contaminated during its stay on the surface then pollute the water reserves. It is observed that urban infrastructure systems are increasingly handled with an integrated approach to create sustainable cities that are resilient to the negative effects of climate change and green infrastructure solutions are developed in order to ensure the sustainability of water. One of the most important features of a city resilient to the climate change is providing effective water management and providing quality water to its citizens.
The aim of this study is to address the strategies and green infrastructure solutions that need to be implemented by taking into consideration the issue of sustainable management of water resources in cities, especially in the context of climate change. In the study, it was resulted that reaching to the cities resistant to climate change in today’s conditions depends on the sustainable management of natural resources that are directly affected by global warming, the determination of green infrastructure strategies and the determination of appropriate adaptation actions by considering local characteristics. Another result obtained from the study is that in line with the evaluations made on the basis of geographical regions and urban areas in Turkey, water management in Turkey will gain more importance in the coming years with the effect of climate change. In this context, the consideration and dissemination of green infrastructure solutions, especially on the basis of basins and in urban areas, will increasingly come to the fore with their recreational, cultural and biodiversity values, health benefits and supports to disaster risk management by increasing resilience of the settlements.
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Impacts of Climate Change on Water Sources of Türkiye (2018)
Climate change is one of the major problems worldwide. Global warming is falling out of balance endangering food, water and energy security and affects the temperature, precipitation and evaporation patterns. As the earth is getting warmer, the significant impacts on fresh water supplies with the potential for disruptive effects on these resources would be expected. Turkey is one of the countries being in the Mediterranean macro-climatic zones, predicted to be affected by many of these adverse effects of climate change especially in water resources.
Water is a vital resource for life, so it is important to figure out the situation of Turkey in terms of water resources. This paper investigates the impact of climate change on water resources of Turkey. In this context, current situation and projected effects of climate change on water resources, and measures of adaptation to these impacts were investigated. Results show that in Turkey water is mostly used for human consumption, agriculture sector and industry sector, so basin level is the most appropriate scale for effective water management.
In Turkey, adaptation to climate change is largely dependent on extending the knowledge of global warming and water scarcity, rising public awareness on water resources and selecting suitable production and water consumption techniques for all sectors under the different development scenarios.
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Basınçlı akifer parametrelerinin belirlenmesi için yeni ve klasik model uygulamaları (2018)
Araştırmacılar ve uzmanlar su depolayan akiferlerin hacimsel kapasitesini belirlemek ve bu kaynaktan birim zamanda temin edilecek su miktarını tespit edebilmek için bir asırdır sürekli bir çalışma içerisindedirler. Bu zaman zarfında yeraltı suyu hidrolojisi ve hidroliği konularında çok sayıda model ortaya konulmuştur.
Bu çalışma kapsamında basınçlı akiferler için yakın zamanda Şen vd. tarafından geliştirilen model ile geçmişten günümüze gelen birçok modelin uygulaması yapılarak, sonuçta akifer parametreleri karşılaştırılmalı şekilde incelenerek sunulmuştur. Uygulama için Pakistan’ın Chaj Doab bölgesinde yapılan arazi pompaj test verileri kullanılmıştır. Akiferlerin depolama ve iletim katsayıları hesaplanmış ve elde edilen model sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir.
Model sonuçları arasında kayda değer büyük farklılıklar olması, bu makalenin yazılmasının asıl amacıdır. Arazi pompajı sonrası seçilecek modele karar verme sürecinde, bu büyük farklar içerisinden hangi modelin uygun olduğuna karar verebilmek için, tecrübe sahibi uzmanlar modellerin her bir varsayımını titizlikle irdelenmeli ve gerekli ise tekrar tekrar pompaj testlerini inceleyerek, ayrıntılı değerlendirmeler sonrası akifer parametrelerinin elde edileceği modele karar verilmelidir.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Medical waste management in Turkey: A case study of Istanbul (2009)
The objective of this study was to analyze the present status of medical waste management in the light of the Medical Waste Control Regulation (MWCR) in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey. About 17% of the hospitals, 20% of bed capacity, and 54% of private hospitals in Turkey are located in Istanbul.
The first regulation about medical waste management in Turkey was published in 1993, and as a candidate state, it was changed in 2005 in accordance with EU Environmental Directives. In this work, a survey of 14 questions about the amount, collection, and temporary storage of medical wastes was applied to 192 hospitals in Istanbul through face-to-face interviews. It was found that the estimated quantity of medical waste from the hospitals is about 22 tons/day and the average generation rate is 0.63 kg/bed-day.
Recyclable materials are collected separately at a rate of 83%. Separate collection of different types of wastes is consistently practiced, but 25% of the hospitals still use inappropriate containers for medical waste collection.
Almost 77% of the hospitals use appropriate equipment for the medical waste collection personnel. The percentage of the hospitals that have temporary storage depots is 63%. Medical waste management in Istanbul is carried out by applying the MWCR.
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Forchheimer Groundwater Flow Law Type Curves for Leaky Aquifers (2004)
An analytical solution has been developed for radial Forchheimer groundwater flow toward a fully penetrating well in a leaky aquifer. This equation has a second-order polynomial form which reduces to the classical Darcian flow case when the parameter of the second-order term is equal to zero.
The solution methodology is based on the volumetric approach concept. The results are presented as a set of type curves for a leaky aquifer with non-Darcian groundwater flow. They are checked numerically against already existing classical solutions and very good agreement is obtained with less than 1% error.
The type curve expressions presented herein are general and reduce to the classical Theis and Hantush Darcian flow solutions. The application of the Forchheimer law type curve is performed for 8-day-long time–drawdown data from Chaj-Doab area in Pakistan.
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Dengeli akım durumunda serbest yüzlü akiferlerde açılan kuyularda girişim problemi üzerine bir araştırma (Doktora Tezi – 1996)
Dengeli akım durumunda serbest yüzlü akiferlerde açılan kuyular arasındaki girişim problemi üzerinde yapılan bu çalışma altı bölümden oluşmuştur.
Birinci bölümde, yeraltı sulan ile ilgili önceki çalışmalar özetlenmiş ve yeraltı suyu temel denklemleri verilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde çalışmanın amacı verilmiştir.
Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, dengeli akım durumunda kuyu hidroliği konusu teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Bu incelemede dengeli akım durumundaki varsayımlar ve akifer tipleri ile sınırlı akiferlerin hidroliği teorik olarak incelenerek bazı örneklerle açıklanmışlardır.
Üçüncü bölümde ise, literatürde geçen ve kuyular arasındaki girişim problemi ile ilgili yapılan teorik ve deneysel çalışmalar araştırılmıştır.
Tez çalışmasının dördüncü bölümünde, laboratuvarda kurulan fiziksel modelin inşaası ve yapılan deneysel çalışmalar üzerinde durulmuştur. Burada, tam dairesel ada ve düşey geçirimsiz sınırlı durumlara ait yapılan deneysel çalışmalara ait ölçüm teknikleri ve deneylerin nasıl yapıldıkları hakkında çeşitli bilgiler verilmiştir.
Beşinci bölümde ise, yapılan deneysel çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, herbir kuyuya ait permeabilite değerlerinin belirlenmesi, kuyuların debi-permeabilite ve debi-düşüm ilişkileri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca serbest yüzlü akiferlerdeki kuyular arasındaki girişim hesaplan ile ilgili bir bilgisayar programı QBasic yazılım dilinde yazılmıştır. Daha sonra ise, yapılan girişim deney sonuçlarının matematiksel model çalışmasının vermiş olduğu değerlerle karşılaştınlması yapılmıştır.
Altıncı bölümde ise, tez çalışmasının sonucunda elde edilen sonuçlar özetlenmiştir. Aynca ileriye dönük yapılacak çalışmalara ışık tutması amacı ile bazı öneriler yapılmıştır.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ
Su tasfiyesinde aktif karbonun ve reçinenin kullanılması (1990)
Bu çalışmada içme suyu arıtılmasında aktif karbon ve reçinenin kullanılması değerlendirilmiştir.
Devamı için TIKLAYINIZ